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We’re here to help visitors learn about web hosting and give everyone the tools they need to launch their individual blogs or enterprises online.

TMD Web Hosting Review

We’ve produced a list of the best Web Hosting services based on our overall grading system rather than just pricing.

Prices starting from:

$2.85 / mo.

Reg. Price $4.95 – Get 40% Off!

About TMDHosting

This year marks the significant milestone of TMDHosting. You’re welcomed to this party hosted by the supplier! If you visit, you should potentially get a 65 % discount. In truth, the firm celebrated its tenth anniversary a few years ago, but now it appears that they simply would like to keep partying with a big celebration.

TMDHosting General Info & Hosting Overview

Specifications Value
622 ms
24/7 support
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Storage Space
Free Site Migration
30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Best Web Hosting Companies

Advantages of TMDHosting:

More configurable shared hosting options with WordPress support. The TMDHosting provider goes above and beyond what is typically required with any web host, such as a 99.99 % uptime assurance (which is significantly above than), a domain name comes free plus website move, a drag-and-drop web builder, plus dozens and dozens of free software activation tools.

Excellent Service Allocation – Primarily and importantly, TMDHosting distinguishes because it’s low prices, making some of the best affordable managed hosting providers available. Especially on the most basic pricing plan, customers receive unlimited disc space, unlimited network bandwidth, plus a web domain name.

Everyday backup is free. They don’t actually know about you, however users maintain personal & business websites. They are in control of a lot of online sites (as we recognise, targets don’t spare anyone) and we frequently forget to store data on them. We frequently had to re-create dct. Users would have little to stress about courtesy to the TMDHosting service’s automated but also free daily backup, however this is generally a good idea to update your own because in case any mistakes.

Quicker website loading times.- With integrating 3 levels of caching (APC, OPCache, and Varnish) plus solid state drives (SSDs), TMDHosting offers upwards 16 x fast running page speed. These and this isn’t a magical potion that can fix even the most rogue website, however your load time would be substantially better than if you utilised a webhost which doesn’t offer similar features.

TMDHosting Prices, Hosting Plans:

Pros & Cons of Using TMDHosting




TMD Hosting’s purchase or account signup processes are simple. Furthermore, after you verify your details, beginning is as straightforward as can be – whether it’s downloading programs with a single click to using a drag-and-drop site builder (however the interface may appear a little unusal).

Disclosure of earnings: we use affiliate links in some of the hosting services that appear on this page. This helps our site cover the costs of the site, Thanks for your support. Read more